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Financial Forecast 

Monthly income/expense model (in 3 months after opening)


● Since people are living longer, healthcare service business is a safe investment considering its unique character of  minimal risk and higher return.  In other words, high profit margin per treatment, few equipment needed, low number of medical supplies, minimal space, low overhead cost, minimal staffing, etc.  More patients' treatments do not require more expenses at all. 

● PT evaluation and assessment will be provided by Luz Rehabilitation & Wellness Inc. to each Luzwave Clinic Center. With his or her evaluation and/or assessment, Luz Rehab and Luzwave can claim medical billing.


How long does it take to make a break even point? 


● Treating about 10 patients per day for LLLT covers monthly expenses except owner’s salary.  A center is expected to reach 10 patients per day about 3 months after its opening. This income does not include any additional Laser Pen and acupuncture income. 
● Daily target of 40 patients is relatively achievable about one (1) year after opening or earlier. Furthermore, even under this kind of monthly income, the overall expenses do not change.  That’s the reason why medical business is so attractive. 
● Under this model, the initial investment can be fully recoverable in one and half (1 & ½) years or earlier. 

Option to invest in Luzwave, Inc. itself
● Luzwave’s prospects are so bright because it has 50% share of each Luzwave center when that open in California, in addition to a decent percentage for other states.  If you can imagine how many centers in California are to be opened in 2019? or in 2020 and thereafter. the total revenue of Luzwave, Inc. would snowball due to health care service’s character.
● In this connection, we would like to offer 10% of company’s total shares to an investor who invested in Luzwave, Inc. as well as an additional 50% of share of one(1) Luzwave Clinic Center in 3 years after his or her investment of money as a bonus program.


Option to invest in company itself of Luzwave, Inc.


Luzwave company’s prospects are so bright because it has 50% share of each and every Luzwave center when being opened in California, let alone a decent percentage of share for other states of U.S.A.  Let us imagine how many centers in California are to be opened in 2019? Or in 2020 and thereafter.  As we already explained in item 4-1, the total revenue of Luzwave, Inc. will be increasing as snowballs due to health care service’s character.

In this connection, we would like to offer 10% of company’s total shares to an investor who put $300K in Luzwave, and additionally 50% of share of a Luzwave Clinic Center in 3 years after his or her investment of money as a bonus program.  This amazing offer will be applied to only one (1) person whoever first come, first served.

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